Hi Fructose Magazine has published a Web Article about my paintings.Web Article

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  1. Im excited to let you know that I have been invited to talk on the really great Podcast:
    John Dalton Gently Does It.

    Heres a direct link to my chat with John. 

    If you haven't been to Johns site yet, please check it out. There are so many other conversations there with interesting and skilled artists. John is an fantastic artist, writer and a gifted conversationalist.


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  2. Hi Fructose Magazine has published a Web Article about my paintings.Web Article

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  3. Transmuto   Oil On Canvas    32" x21"


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  4. I will have three paintings on exhibit in Paris, France this fall

    HEY! Modern Art and Pop Culture Act III, Collective exhibition. 63 international artists, September 18, 2015 – March 13, 2016 Halle Saint Pierre Museum Paris, France.

    Here is a link to a pdf press release in French and English  (The English version I made using translation software so there is some wonkieness in the text).

    There will be 63 artists represented in the museum Exhibition. Here are the three paintings of mine on that will be in the exhibition.

    Eyeball Attack

    Satan's Muse

    Three Cheers


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  5. In1984 Puppeteer Bil Baird wrote me a letter after seeing a painting of mine in an exhibition at the Salmagundi club in New York.
    This is the painting Bil Baird bought. It was painted in my early 20's. I don't have a better reproduction of it unfortunately.

    It was really thrilling for me to receive his letter. I was a big fan of his and it really was amazing that out of the blue that he wanted the painting for his collection.

    I don't remember what year it was but I got to meet Bil in New York at his apartment. We talked a lot about art and puppets and I shot these photos of him and some of his marionettes below.

    Bil Baird on Wikipedia   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bil_Baird


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  6. A Young Girl With A Genie     20" x 12"    Oil On Canvas

    Thumbnail idea sketches

    Heres my color gamut . I learned how to do this from James Gurney's Book-  Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter.  I highly recommend it!

    just one of my many small color sketch's I made for this picture.

    graphite on paper, comprehensive drawing.

    underpainting in acrylic


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  7. Lots of new paintings... so heres one of them.

    Oil On Canvas        21" x 27"

    rough sketch

    Under Painting

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  9. Rebellion Of The Rat Princess
    Oil On Canvas
    16" x 20"

    #rat #rodent #punk #gothic #sexy #Prix de Beauté


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  10. I am one of the artists included in this fantastic new book! Order today!

      order by clicking here ------The Art Order Store

    also  -Visit Art Order Web Site


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